Egg Tart

Prep Time   10 minutes

Cook Time   15minutes

Servings   8
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Delicious Hong Kong style egg tart with flaky crust holding a creamy center.


• 1 Cup All-Purpose Flour
• 1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter (1 Stick)
• 1 Egg Yolk
• 1/8 Cup Powdered Sugar
• 1/8 Cup Water
• 1/2 Tsp. Salt
Egg Custard
• 1/8 Cup Water
• 1/8 Cup Sugar
• 1 Egg
• 1/4 Cup Milk
• 1 Tsp. Vanilla Extract


1. Mix flour, butter, egg yolk, powder sugar, water, and salt with a spatula or spoon.
2. Then use hands to make sure there are no butter clumps and knead to a dough ball. Wrap the dough in kitchen plastic wrap (make sure there’s no air inside), and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
3. Sprinkle flour on flat surface to roll you dough on (roll and flatten it to 1/4 inch). And cut out 8-10 crusts to your tart shell. Press and mold.
4. In a bowl add water and sugar put in microwave to melt completely (cool down before putting in egg, to prevent cooking the egg), then add egg, milk, and vanilla extract. Pre heat oven to 425F. Whisk and funnel the egg mixture before putting them in tart. Bake for 15 Minutes (at 10 minutes if it starts bubble open oven door once to sink down).