Antipasto Egg Rolls

Prep Time   10 minutes

Cook Time   20 minutes

Servings   3


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With this recipe you can cook your crispy egg roll in two ways, oven or air fryer.


• 12 slices provolone
• 12 slices deli ham
• 36 slices pepperoni
• 1 cup. shredded mozzarella
• 1 cup. sliced pepperoncini
• Vegetable oil, for frying on stovetop
• 1/4 cup. freshly grated Parmesan
• Italian dressing, for dipping


Air fryer

1. On an egg roll wrapper place a slice a slice of ham, 3 slices of pepperoni, and a large pinch of mozzarella and pepperoncini cheese. Fold in bottom and bottom then tightly fold in right and left (with the very last fold dab with a bit of water to sealed).
2. Cook egg rolls at 390F until golden (12 minutes), flip in half way.


1. On an egg roll wrapper place a slice a slice of ham, 3 slices of pepperoni, and a large pinch of mozzarella and pepperoncini cheese. Fold in bottom and bottom then tightly fold in right and left (with the very last fold dab with a bit of water to sealed).
2. Cook egg rolls at 375F until golden (14 minutes), turn it over in between (around 7 minute).