Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

Prep Time   10 minutes

Cook Time   15 minutes

Servings   4

This recipe gives you air fried backed potatoes with crispy and flavorful skin but still light and fluffy on the inside.


• 4 large scrubbed potatoes
• 2 tbsp. olive oil
• 1/2 tsp kosher salt
• black pepper
• 1/2 tsp garlic powder
• dried parsley
• 4 tbsp. butter


1. Rub potatoes with o1. Rub potatoes with olive oil and season with kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parsley. Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Put potatoes in the air fryer basket.
2. Cook air fryer until potatoes are soft (40 to 50 minutes).
3. Slice potatoes once lengthwise, force potatoes to open up, until insides come up. Place 1 tablespoon of butter into each potato.
live oil and season with kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parsley. Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Put potatoes in the air fryer basket.
2. Cook air fryer until potatoes are soft (40 to 50 minutes).
3. Slice potatoes once lengthwise, force potatoes to open up, until insides come up. Place 1 tablespoon of butter into each potato.